Tough Interview question - mathematic

If you got 8 balls, one of them has 9.8g and the remainders are 10g,

You are given one balance. What is the minimum try needed for you to find out the 9.8g ball?

Tough Interview question - mathematic 2

You are given one 3 litre container and one 5 litre container.

How to use this two containers to measure 4 litre water accurately and what is it minimum step to achieve it.

Note: There is no any label on the container and it is impossible for you to obtain 1.5 litre water in half full 3 litre container. It is because all of them are in strange shape.

Brain Storming technique

Today I learn about the Brain Storming technique. Basically there have several type of brain storming technique:

1. Classical Brain Storming- Participants agree to the rules and express ideas verbally. They are not really restricted and can express themselves freely.

2. Mitsubishi Brainstorming method- Participants write down their ideas in a silent period before verbal contributions begin.

3. Phillips 66 method- A large group is broken down into smaller groups. They have six minutes to generate ideas, which are then shared back in the larger group for harvesting. The six-minute brainstorming period can be repeated several times to allow for combinations of ideas.